Friday, June 7, 2013

Culture and Values of India: Global Thinking

(i)              Global Perspective in Thinking
              Rig Veda, the oldest book in Vedic society, opens with the all-encompassing view that the entire world is one family. The idea is profound in itself. This explicit expression of the comprehensive view of the world and its inhabitants some estimated three to five thousand years ago is unique to the Vedic view of the world. No other culture or religion is as accepting of the oneness of the world and its people. 
              The wisdom inherent in the view and acceptance of the reality of one world has allowed the successive generations of the Hindu society through millennial time to belong to and accept all in the world as one to maintain itself over such a long period of time. 
             The statement of oneness does not put people and cultures in hierarchy either. Nor does it reject anyone as undeserving, unacceptable and lower. Most other cultures and religions take narrower, superior, inferior view towards others who are outside of their system. In terms of evolutionary theory one could say that the Vedic view is more flexible to adapt to changing reality and thus have better odds at survival than breaking down due to inflexibility in evolving systems of survival of the fittest. Live and let live within the one system is what the Hindu (Vedic) view seems to say and practice. Thus it survives through adaptation.
Globalization occurring today is strong evidence of the world becoming one through trade, investment, travels, inter-faith, inter-cultural and inter-racial marriages and unions, the role of UN and  G-20 management of the world, multinational corporations getting their capital from world-wide investors, global standards for goods and services, medicine, etc. 
The best in anything is the standard and benchmark for all countries, cultures and people. Information about the best is freely and commonly available to all around the world to pursue its achievement. 
The ancient Indian Vedic culture had already developed the global thinking and anticipated what is occurring some five thousand years later. Other cultures and societies not open to such comprehensive global thinking historically are at various stages of moving towards the Vedic thinking process  and taking action towards joining the globalization process and trend. India is original true global guru in global thinking.

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